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  • Writer's pictureKuku Fu 傅库库

The Chronics of Drumming

In the primordial chaos, there existed only the gods. The gods dwelled in the very heart of time, where there was neither day nor night, neither beginning nor end; they resided in the very center of space, where they could be above or below, inside or outside. The gods took turns beating the drums, thus creating the chronicles of time and space. With each beat of the drum, shorter than the blink of an eye, longer than the eons, it shamed the silence, embarrassed it.

The gods held their heads with palms, pondering amidst the profound silence, why not create the world, bring forth life, aging, sickness, death, paint the sky with colors, bury the earth with soils, fill the silence with completeness? The gods bowed, each performing their duties, creating myriad worlds and day and night, casting a thread of light, animating all living beings. The gods posed questions for all beings: whence do you come, why, where do you go? They needed to seek each one individually, but because they did not know the beginning and the end, they sought and could not find.

The gods then created the faint light, dragging its burning tail to the human realm, traversing from end to end, traveling through billions of years before returning. Occasionally, a comet would shuttle, its shape like a torch, warning living beings of something else to seek but cannot be found. The gods praised, now it's time to let one watcher pay attention here.

The gods created the sun, resembling a solitary watcher of all beings, then they created the wandering stars, sculpting their faces with countless mountains, polishing them with a thousand valleys. Finally, they created the moon, as if from a barren wilderness. They caused all things to move perpetually, without a moment of stillness. Only in concert with the stars, making them appear to hang in the four directions.

Living beings saw those celestial stars, finding a place to rest amidst the myriad worlds. The gods concluded, in the genesis of creation, nothing surpasses creating a seeker, a watcher, a doubter. The drum beating never ceases, time and space never stop.

Epilogue 1:

Question (Lily Li): Why is the article called Atheism originally?

Answer (Kuku Fu): Because I am a doubter. Everyone should have their own Genesis and doomsday fantasy.

Epilogue 2: by Lily Li

I am one of the seekers and the watchers. Before I was three years old, I had a repetitive dream about Mars. The belligerent Martians along with its civilization and planet were destroyed in the atomic war for the sake of fighting for territory... energy, power, and wealth, etc. If my soul was one of the seekers from Mars, I found and wandered on the land of Mother Earth created by the creators who we call Gods and reincarnated more than a thousand times, continued to witness what happened on Mars repeatedly happening on this beautiful habitat…May you and I lite a bright torch with our feeble strength to illuminate the way forward for those who need it. My childhood dream may not be story on Mars, but the future of the earth at a certain time zone or dimension. Yes, there is no exact answer to our source of origins. Time does not exist in a certain dimensional space, and the laws of human existence and survival relatively are beneficial to the management of this world on the Earth, but they also may limit the creativities and definitions of a better life. It is difficult to find the real sources of all the precious books in ancient times... May love and courage lead our hearts to find joy and freedom in life.


作者:傅库库  (Kuku Fu)




诸神顿首,各行法事,创众世界与昼夜,虚投寸缕光,催活众生。 诸神为众生设问道,尔等何来,为何,何处去?需一一去寻,却因不知始终而其寻而不得觅。

诸神遂造微弱光明之所在,曳其燃烧之尾至人间,由尽头达诸尽头,光历亿万年而返。 偶有彗星穿梭,其形如炬,警众生另有有寻而不可觅得者。诸神赞道,今可令一监者瞩目此间。

诸神造日,模拟独眼瞩目众生,又遂造临星,以众山皴其面,以千壑磋之。最后造月,拟荒蛮之地。并令万物始终于迁动之中,无一息静止。唯协同诸星,令其似长缀于东南西北方。 众生见彼天恒星,亦于诸世之中有一憩息之地。



后序一:皓雪(Lily Li)



后序二: 皓雪(Lily Li)

我是寻者和监者。 我三岁前有个做了多次的梦,梦见火星在好战的火星人为了领土…能源,权力等等在原子战争中毁灭,如果我的灵魂是从火星而来的寻者之一, 找到了地球这乐土,轮徊千次以上,但还在目睹着这万年的栖息地重复着火星上发生的一切。 愿你我以微薄之力为需要的人点一盏明灯照亮前行之路。我儿时的梦的也可能并不是过去的火星而是地球的未来。是的,我们的出处没有确切答案。时间本是不存在的,人类生存的环境空间定律本也不存在,这一切相对来说对地球空间的管理有益,也可能对创造力和思维方式形成一定局限。所有古时珍贵书籍也都难寻真正出处…讓愛和勇氣引導我們的心找到快樂和自由的生活吧。

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